Meet Our CEO Steven Gittleson. Steven hails from South Africa and has led a very successfull life in the startup world and commerce. He lives in New Your City with his beautiful wife and 6 children. Steven co-founded Lightsail education and is now the founder of LightHouse Reader. Steven lives, sleeps and breathes education technology. He is constantly thinking of ways to get children to love to read.
You may ask why? Why would someone with no formal background in education care so much about it. The answer lies in Steven’s life story. While you may think that Steven is your normal run of the mill CEO, he isnt. Steven has struggled all his life with Dyslexia and ADHD. Even now when reading reports and writing emails he must read and reread many times to ensure he is doing it right.
Steven will tell you that he believes his struggles has helped him succeed in business however they did not help him succeed in school. Steven realy wants to provide the right solution to struggling readers or as he calls it “Mind Wanderers.” Watch this heartwarming video to get to know Steven better.
In 2012 a group of the brightest minds in education got together to create the world’s best literacy solution. We knew a few key things from our experience in the classroom. So we set to work crafting, testing, and perfecting the reading experience we wish we had in our own schools.
Today bring to you LightHouse Reader. Geared towards struggling readers and homeschoolers. We offer the possibility for any child to enjoy reading their favorite book. Our features ensure that your child will grow in literacy, comprehension, reading, spelling, fluency, and writing.